Cassandra Fauss

Time: 3:15 PM – 3:45 PM; Room#007C

In yogic tradition, it is taught that in addition to our physical body, each of us contains a more subtle energetic body, which includes seven energy centers called Chakras. These unseen energetic vortexes in the body have a profound impact on our thoughts, moods and physical health. In this short introduction to the chakras, you will learn the key traits of each chakra, determine your imbalances through a self-evaluation and discover how to balance your chakras through mantra, meditation, asana and essential oils.

About Cassandra Fauss

Cassandra Fauss is the founder and lead yoga instructor of Mobile Om, a movement that takes yoga out of the familiar studio setting and into unique local landmarks around San Antonio and beyond. Through Mobile Om, Cassandra passionately guides students to discover new places within themselves and their city, encouraging connections to be formed off the mat as well. Steeped in mindfulness, meditation, mantra and asana, her classes are intuitively designed to inspire students to uncover the divine wisdom within, find confidence in their unique place in this world and experience a glimpse of the infinite bliss that is our true nature.