October 1, 2018

Yoga In Schools

Research on the efficacy of yoga for improving mental, emotional, physical, and behavioral health characteristics in school settings is a recent but growing field of inquiry.

There is overwhelming evidence from numerous studies  that demonstrates that the practice of yoga can provide enormous benefit to children – positively impacting academic performance, discipline, attendance and improved attitudes about themselves.

Yoga provides two things children desperately need: physical fitness and emotional nourishment . It provides children with the skills to be calm, compassionate, strong and resilient.  And studies have shown that it provides a profound impact on education, violence prevention and improved public behavior.

Studies Prove the Benefits of Yoga for Children

Multiple studies demonstrate the efficacy and benefits of yoga among children:

  • Better performance in academics (Kauts and Sharma, 2009)
  • Improved test scores, increased participation in class, improvements on emotional response (Siar, 2004)
  • Dramatic decreases in violence and aggression. One study saw a 93% decrease in hitting. (Marie, MA, SYT, 2008)
  • A 4.5 hour exposure to yoga has been shown to result in a 93% decrease in aggressive behavior among 4th and 5th grade children (Marie, MA, SYT, 2008)
  • Reduction in maladaptive behaviors, including irritability, lethargy, social withdrawal, hyperactivity and noncompliance (Koenig, 2012)